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Upcoming Ecoprinting Workshop

Hello Friends!

Hopefully you are navigating these crazy times in good health.

It’s hard to believe summer is half over. its been slow creatively over here at Donna Hanson Artworks. I have been dabbling with some new media - collage and encaustic and cold wax painting. But honestly I have been feeling somewhat uncreative since everything has been shut down - I had markets and classes cancelled and it’s hard to know when ‘normal’ will return.

That‘a why I’m pretty excited to be invited to teach an ecoprinting workshop at Boho Apothecary and Studio in Bentley AB on August 8. It will be a small class held outside, we will forage for plant material and learn how to print those plants onto paper and how those prints can be used. check out the event links below

If you are intrigued by the seemingly mysterious method of printing plants and leaves onto paper, come and join us!


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